
You're gonna need a body bag

Bae-Syl [Fighting Seasonal]



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-16-2023, 09:20 PM

No damsel in distress

If there was one thing that Lucette wasn’t, it was that she wasn’t afraid. Her fleeing was not out of fear, but a strategic retreat knowing that a head on assault was far too risky. She could feel her fur on end, could hear the pants of the larger beast behind her as it attempted to catch up with her. But Lucette was using her smaller size, and speed, to her advantage here. She’d duck under a low hanging branch, her ears turned back towards the one pursuing her. It broke past the branch, doing its best to gain on her, when the sight of white and rainbow fur caught her attention. Bae. Lucette didn’t stop, knowing full well the state that Bae-Syl would be in seeing her in any form of harm. The wind gave another burst, this time towards her as Bae rushed towards the other predator. It seemed to help propel him over her head and toward the cat.

The sound he had made was not something she expected, and it chilled her, but as she always had, Lucette trusted her mate. She spun on her paws, dirk still gripped in her maw as more snow and ice flew at her face and body. It was cold, so very cold, the white stuff melting on her warmer body and soaking into her coat. That only made the wind harsher against her form as she stood there, taking in the sight of her beloved tearing ruthlessly into the cat that had sought to make her into its meal. There was no holding back, Bae’s fangs ripping through flesh as the jaguar and wolf clashed. Neither male was willing to back down. The cat, despite its pain, seemed to push against a more able bodied opponent. It had to be truly desperate, Lucy realized.

But there was no sympathy for the jaguar’s pain. It favored its hind leg, forced to keep the other grounded as both it and Bae-Syl went head to head. Lucette’s ears pinned to her skull, her green eyes narrowing as she realized that just as her mate had torn into it, the jaguar had done damage to him. Lucette felt her anger rise from a burning ember to a roaring flame, the protective urge to aid Bae-Syl and end this attack quickly washing over her. They were a team, more than just part of a pack. They were each other’s soul mates, and she would be damned if any creature risked doing something that would leave lasting injury upon her personal rainbow.

Gripping the dirk in her fangs tightly, Lucette moved with purpose back towards the jaguar. With his focus on Bae-Syl, the cat failed to react to her approach. Lucette would slam towards the cat, aiming to not only hit its side with her own as she jumped, but to impale the dirk into its side. An attack that was successful, the cat grunting and losing its grip on Bae-Syl. Lucette hopped back as the big cat lost its foot and was tossed to the ground as more ice, snow, and twigs rained down on them from above. To make things even more satisfying when it slipped it had fallen on the side with her dirk in it, pressing the weapon further into its side and causing it more pain. It deserved it, Lucy thought, panting as she moved back to let Bae finish it.


Word count met, no need to keep track!

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Don't need to save me

Art by Asena
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.

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1. You're gonna need a body bag Cattail Creek 02:00 AM, 12-16-2023 08:02 AM, 01-30-2024