
You're gonna need a body bag

Bae-Syl [Fighting Seasonal]



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

12-17-2023, 01:29 AM
The wind, snow and branches were ignored as they pelted them all by Bae-Syl. Adrenaline fueling his ability to ignore it and other pain taking the spotlight for him. His entire being was focused on not only protecting but ending yet another would be murderer in the world. This cat could have slipped into a den and taken a pup or someone whole they slept. The pack had gotten lucky honestly.

His shoulder was in the cats jaws and he had its leg, both tightening their grips as the other did so. Bae refused the cat the opportunity to flee. The running approach of Luce sounded and all in the same instance of her standing it and it releasing to yowl and try to grab her he reacted. He gave a great yank, his own shoulder bleeding and roaring in pain causing him to lift the paw to relieve pressure. It might of fractured his shoulder. He wasn't certain though. His head was scratched as well. The moment the thud and another yowl left the cat though bae was upon it.

He released its leg and lunged for its now exposed throat gripping hard and shaking his head. He was going to make this cat wish it had never came for his wife. It felt like forever until everything finally fell in silence. The cat stilled but Bae kept his jaws clenched tight for a few moments longer ensuring it had died. Only releasing it once he was certain.

With adrenaline still pumping into his system he looked towards Luce and hobbled over the now dead corpse of the cat. He kept his left paw up as he moved to his wife. His nose then began pushing into her pelt his eyes inspecting her. He wouldn't let her escape his inspection.his injuries likely looked gruesome, and he could tell likely they would scar but she was more important to him.

"Your not bleeding anywhere or hurt, good...... do me a favor next time though, just run for me." his voice held his exhaustion as the adrenaline left him. He winced as the wind whipped the cold into his fresh wounds. He was starting ho huff in breath now as his body tried to slow his heart and his breath heaved out in pants now. An almost unsettling calm came over him as he looked at Lucy. He was the one covered in blood and wounded and here he was more worried about her. She was likely about to give him an earful but he backed up a step or two before sitting down.

"Gonna have to let Haydee know bout this..... I think I will be down a bit until you deem me fit again. Shoulder feels pretty fucked Luce." he lowered himself to sit with his paw held up. He knew Lucette would make him sit still for a while on this shoulder. So he did them both a favor, tilting his head back he let out a resonating call in the wind for Haydee. He was likely gonna need help getting the cat's body back to the dens so he could make its pelt into a new piece of bedding for his beloved. He would make sure Lucy got to sleep on the beast that tried to end her. His head fell back to looking at luce then after he released the howl. If haydee was even awake. If not he would see her tomorrow after Lucy had patched him up. And then he would make a trip to see Bellamy, so he might convince the woman that maybe her family needed her while he was out of commission.

Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.

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1. You're gonna need a body bag Cattail Creek 02:00 AM, 12-16-2023 08:02 AM, 01-30-2024