
Oh Foolish, Foolish was I


The Syndicate

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Samhain 2022
12-17-2023, 05:41 PM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2023, 05:41 PM by Aresenn. Edited 1 time in total.)
With each silent step, Aresenn prowled through the taiga of the Polar Sound- the late morning sun casting long shadows across the valley. The crisp air carried a mix of scents: the sharpness of pine needles, the earthy musk of damp soil, and the distant tang of saltwater. The evergreens towered above as he wove his way in and out of a more densely forest part of the valley. Their branches reaching towards the sky in bristly clumps. A chorus of spring birdsong filled the air, accompanied by the occasional rustle of small animals scurrying through the underbrush. He was aware of it all, his sense tuned into his surroundings- though it was in search of a specific individual. Sephiran. Having just returned to the Sound after his scouting mission with Absinth- just in time for the gathering no-less, this was the first opportunity he had found to report his findings.

Aresenn's ears twitched in casual anticipation as he followed the scent trail, weaving through the landscape he had become quite familiar with. Though, after some time spent searching, Aresenn eventually felt a twinge of frustration. It was a rather windy day, and the scent trail eluded him. He eventually came to a halt in a small clearing, the aroma of the ocean inlet filling the air. With a deep breath, he lifted his head and called out to the brute. Hoping he was near enough to answer the beckon.

With an amber gaze that scanned his surroundings, he awaited Sephiran's response. Whether it was an answer or a sudden appearance, he was ready for anything.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. Oh Foolish, Foolish was I The Polar Sound 05:41 PM, 12-17-2023 11:48 PM, 01-01-2024