
In the mountains




Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (60)

1 Year
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual1K
12-18-2023, 02:12 AM

He needs the confidence. It's bright enough to hide all the things that were all-too-obvious. It would conceal his bitterness about the curse, it would hide away the little shadows-- the worst bits he'd inherited. Right, enough confidence would mask the fact that he wouldn't know what to do with the words if he had them. The veneer keeps him safe. That, the viking reputation, the double banners that flew at his back... and he could rely on himself. He could trust himself. Erik perhaps knows that best of all. That's where the confidence comes from.

As they walk, he can feel her gaze. It's not subtle, but then, he doesn't expect it to be. Ember's expression isn't unlike that of the too-many-too-count healers that have examined him. Hell, he's some kind of science experiment gone wrong, after all. Erik knows that much. Maybe it's kinda cool too. What young boy doesn't enjoy grossing out his siblings? Still, it weighs on his back that he worries his mother. She was doing her best for them, after all. But yeah, he can't fault Ember's lingering eyes either. Where they rest on the crystals, the rawness of flesh around them, and the fry in his voice. All things closely related, unfortunately for him.

For a heartbeat, Erik stiffened at the title-- Prince. Most vikings are bastards in one way or another, and hell dad hadn't even had the pack when he'd been born. Can he ever view himself that way? The mirth and mischief aren't lost on him, and as quickly as the strange feeling had surfaced, it dissipated into the brassy chuckle that filled the space between them. She took his shoulder, having the good graces to avoid his head-- already a step above Delphi (and the rest of his siblings.) Light on her feet, it's his turn to let himself linger as she continues on her way up. Lighter, more graceful than he could dream of. Right, for someone who's just learned that girls are pretty, this trip to see his father had been quite the experience.

She peered down, and he offered a small, confident smile. It colors the corners of his lips, brings a bit of a glimmer to his eye. As she reached down to offer him a hand, Erik reached up in return to still it. Gentle but firm, he's appreciative but it's not necessary. He takes a few steps back before launching at the next boulder in the scramble. Pushing himself up with his muscles, trying not to grumble at the effort. It wasn't easy, but he was used to it. Like most things in his existence, it felt like. Not easy, but Erik had adjusted. His shoulders in particular, but at this point he's showing off. Had to, if she was going to challenge him like this. A little twitch to his tail, a little tug at the corners of his lips. Orange gaze lingering on her for a moment, looking to see if she really had been impressed.

Erik tipped his muzzle toward the ledge before moving to step out onto it himself. It's broad, broad enough to be safe. He was pretty sure dad and Tenshi liked to sit out here sometimes, and he could see why. It was comfortable, and faced the north west. A dramatic view of the Maw, and even some of the things far between. "See?" His eyebrows lift, cheeky. He'd promised Ember a better view, and it was safe to say he'd delivered. "Rest'a th'Maw, an' then th'Battlefield." The boy points to each, the same way his father had done when giving him his bearings on the land. He's pretty sure they could kinda see the outline of the Col too, but he didn't want to give her wrong information. Instead Erik just lets his gaze flicker back to Ember, curious what she'd make of it.


Warning: posts from this character often involve body horror.
Erik has a Norwegian forest cat that is assumed with him at all times.

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1. In the mountains Fenrir's Maw 02:53 AM, 11-09-2023 06:14 AM, 02-09-2024