
Where will you lead?




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
12-18-2023, 08:58 PM

Today was a special day, a day just for Imogen. He had helped carry her part of the way to the border of the falls before telling her she would get to walk the rest of the way. The young one seemed to have a fondness for exploration, so he was going to have his daughter assist him with surveying the lands neighboring their own Beauregard’s mates had suggested expanding to. His blue gaze would slide to his daughter, a smile on his lips. Here the trees were losing their leaves in droves, changing color and drying up to the point they became brittle. ”Alright little love, we’re going to have to find out what materials are going to be useful here. Think about the things you see your mommy and daddys grab as we explore and tell me if you think you find something.” He grinned. ”For this mission you're the Artifex! Lead the way, Imogen~” For her it would be a fun game, for Beau bonding with his daughter and taking in what would actually be usable as a resource. His tail wagged behind him, hoping his daughter would be eager to be the first of her siblings to explore this place.

"Speech," 'Thought.'
table coding by bunni ♥
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.

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1. Where will you lead? Aspen Dam 08:58 PM, 12-18-2023 07:46 PM, 03-18-2024