
pinky up

intel stats!


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-18-2023, 10:26 PM

One by one members of the brood emerged from the treeline, providing a greeting characteristic to their relationship with him. Ely, the cousin who had appeared out of the woodwork, he didn’t know well yet- but she was a promising member of the band, with the right direction. Yarrabelle arrived next- admittedly, one of his favorite nieces. She shared a physical greeting with him. Rubbing her shoulder against his, dancing across his frame with those acidic eyes. She earned a baritone purr from him. His own eyes raking across her frame, before turning to his other favorite niece. Kaino, the daughter of Kaiden. They had been quite close living in Saffron, and during his absence, he had missed his interactions with the little viper. Cunning and conniving, always sharp-tongued. She had a remarkable amount of intelligence, and he wanted to mold her into perfection. Mirroring her nod, and widening his smile in her direction. He was ready to begin the lesson… until one more arrived. Absinth, the woman he had maimed under Sephiran’s discretion. He was surprised to see her here- though, his expression didn’t show it. Glancing in her direction to acknowledge her arrival, and offering her nothing more.  So long as she attributed to their goal, he would allow her to attend.

He turned to the rest of the group now, to begin his lesson. “Ladies, ladies…” Wanting their attention, he called out to them. Interrupting the side conversations occurring. “I’ve gathered you here, to give you a lesson on politics... listen closely.” There was a short pause before he continued. “The caribou before you is no mere meal.” Motioning towards the fresh carcass, which now lay in a puddle of blood. Still warm to the touch, but lifeless and still. "In a social setting, it can serve many purposes." Combing through the crowd, he was examining their expressions. “Bartering may come to mind. It is a more… civil way of divvying up a kill. Especially if you're trading with a loner or another pack. Some worthy goods to exchange for could be... alcohol, drugs, treasures, weapons, armor.... anything we don't already have and would benefit our kingdom.” Another pause. “But bartering is all about exchange; you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. Manipulation on the other paw…” His smile widened into a devilishly handsome smirk. “Can achieve so much more. When you diminish the supply, and increase the demand.” Suddenly, a drawling, sorrowful call echoed from within the forest. Belonging to the mother caribou, who was calling for its child. Lost and searching for what no longer existed. “You can turn coal into gold.” His smile grew even wider. ”And those who live in poverty, will fiend for it. We all want something we can't have. Things we believe will satiate our desires.... don't we?" Becoming silent, he wanted the concept to sink into their minds. His gaze lingering on the beautiful Yarrabelle and Kaino longer than the others. Perhaps uncomfortably so.

Now, he wasn’t telling them to go out and start tormenting the commoners. It was meant to spark their critical thinking. "Food is a basic necessity- a starting point, if you will. Each of you, propose another viable source we can utilize." What else could they turn into a weapon and sway the masses?

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.

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1. pinky up The Polar Sound 07:10 PM, 12-12-2023 01:26 PM, 05-12-2024