
rhinestone eyes



"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
12-18-2023, 10:41 PM

Lavender paws carefully pick their way around growing plants, alighting softly on the crunchy snow that surrounds the defrosted green spots. The day is beautiful and the new growth promises life in the weeks to come. Andy slowly moves through the valley as she scans for any signs of Aresenn since she her hawk had found that he likes to linger in this area. Yet, as the miles passed with no sign of him, the purple wolf slowly began to lose hope and she cast a glance back to where her two snow leopards padded silently along behind her. With a sigh, she pulls to a stop and turns to them, saying, “Well, I don’t see anything. Hopefully, Aquilla has had more luck…”

A sharp screech from her hawk companion has the rest of the words dying on her lips and the trio take off without another word. While her companions could not speak in words that she understands, the lavender woman has grown to recognize certain sounds from each one of them and this call signals a wolf in distress. Galloping across the distance, Andy readies for a fight as three sharp screeches signal that it is a bear attack. Mind whirls as she sets a plan of attack, bursting onto the scene without a pause. Giving a sharp whistle, her hawk descends from its lofty heights, diving in toward the polar bear’s face to harass and claw at the creature’s eyes.

Another, shorter blast of two whistles has the leopards charging forward. Leo deftly leaping onto the bear’s broad back where he sinks his claws in deep and bites the beast’s scruff. Meanwhile, Gemini races to where the stranger fights, growling menacingly at the attacking beast as she strikes out at the creature’s other leg, attempting to draw the bear’s attention away from the unknown wolf. It roars in pain as all three of her companions open deep wounds on it and Andy swiftly moves in toward its head. The beast tosses its head back in an attempt to throw Aquilla off its face and the hawk flaps hard to gain altitude and avoid the bites aimed her way.

With carefully calculated movements, Andy tucks her chin, throwing her horns forward as she pins her ears to her skull. Invading the personal bubble of the beast, she suddenly lifts her front end up, sending her spiral horns into the sensitive area underneath the jaw line. The bear grunts in pain as the horns pierce flesh, blood slowly beginning to trail down and down toward Andromeda’s head as she rips the weapons free from the wounded beast. Without a word she dances backward, avoiding the swiping paws that attempt to follow after her with practiced easy. With a smirk, she stands tall, eyes dancing with delight as she spares the other wolf a glance and offers them a wink before she dives back into the fray.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.

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1. rhinestone eyes The Polar Sound 08:24 PM, 12-18-2023 01:20 PM, 06-20-2024