
Throw the whole man away

Pont <3



Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
12-19-2023, 02:24 AM

Much of his day was typically allocated to tending his budding gardens, now that his fur had returned. Somehow, he blamed Modesty for that. She had mentioned being afflicted with mysterious nakedness, and having her fur grow back afterwards in a completely different texture. Now here he was, with hair longer than he knew what to do with, after months of horrible baldness in the wake of the mysterious spiritual afflictions of the lands. Always with the spirits and their fuckery.

Life with Emile, however, had been lovely thus far. There had been a learning curve, figuring out how to share space with another. Making sure to reaffirm their connection when necessary, and learning one another's habits as they went. However, he enjoyed the gentleness. It was so wholly different from the life he'd lived until this point, mysticism and madness and blood. Domesticity didn't suit him, not entirely, but he enjoyed it well enough. Being able to curl up by the fire and soak in the scent of another living creature, one that he was undeniably enamoured with. The shrine felt like home again.

So when his sister all but kicked the front door down, he could only have assumed she was intended to bring fresh misery with her. Which she did. Stinking to high heavens of disease and stress, not to mention.. regular old stinking. Without another word, she made herself at home in their old room. Which he had been using as a guest space, thankfully. So there was plenty of bedding for her to throw herself upon and throw a tantrum, as he assumed she intended to do.

The willowy wraith rose to his feet slowly, painfully glad that Emile was not home at the moment. Modesty would be far too much personality for the timid male to handle without preparation. A sidelong glance to Hallux was all the parrot needed to flit off through the open door to hunt down the other male, to offer a warning to remain away for the time being. "Mod," he murmured the affectionate name as he slipped into the room, expression guarded as he took in her condition. Ragged, disheveled. She'd been sick for some time. "good to see you again." he continued quietly, drawing a few steps closer to sidle up against her flank. Her skin felt sickly against his flank, but not to the degree that would draw more than the normal level of concern. "Dare I ask why you're here, and not resting in your own bed?" he enquired softly, already slipping around her bulkier form to rearrange bedding.

"Pontifex" || "Hallux" || "Pollux"

Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.

Thread Move Log
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1. Throw the whole man away Alabastrine Shrine 02:08 AM, 12-19-2023 01:19 PM, 03-08-2024