


09-18-2013, 09:21 PM

She had his attention, her form drawing in his eyes and she revelled in it. It had been some time since she had played the age old game of seduction and she had to admit, she missed it. She missed having men worship at her alter, missed eyes following her every movement. She threw a bit of an extra sway into her hips, white dipped tail licking easily at her ankles as ice coloured paws pulled her closer to him. Danger and blood tainted his aura but the demoness wasn't phased, drinking it all in. A sultry chuckle would roll up her throat, head tipping back so she tossed a gaze his way while her smile spelt out sin. "What do you not like? Sweetheart you don't look like you could hurt a fly..." She was taunting him, treading on thin ice she knew. If it came to a fight she could honestly say that at this point she could care less. If needed she could simply offer her body up to him as payment, another option she didn't care about. She loved the game of seduction but the actual sin of the act had never been something she cared for.

His movements halted her, long legs stilling beneath her slender form as he spoke once more, this time nibbling at the thick fur that surrounded her neck. She had to admit, it was kind of a turn on and she shivered at the feeling. "Dangerous? What can I say, maybe I'm just a bit of a thrill seeker..." Her words were a purr, tail flicking out to run along his forelegs and she turned her head further to study him. Her smile never left her lips.
