


09-18-2013, 09:37 PM

She staggered onto the scene quite the bloody mess. Her left side was streaked with blood - some of it Chrysanthe's, most of it her own. She favored her left front leg ever so slightly in the form of a limp, adding character to her gait. The limb itself was in perfect condition, but the armpit where the blood originated pained her more than she was used to. It was an awkward place to be attacked, and due to it being a place that had to be moved and shifted if she wanted to get around, she was sure it would take longer than she liked to heal. With a groan she would slow herself, noting that the stench of his blood was close. The pallid brother lay upon the earth, broken, defeated. It sickened her to see him in this state. He was a king, he should have sent a soldier to fight for what he wanted - that was what kings were supposed to do. ?Isardis,? she would murmur in a husky tone. Eyes of emerald were cast to Eris. ?Will he be alright?? Of course his pride would say yes, but she wanted the truth. There had been far too much blood lost from his precious body for this to be a simple injury. She gave a narrowed glance in the direction of the man who had helped him - frustrated that a stranger had stepped in before anyone else in Glaciem. She would have words with those who should have helped Isardis, that was for sure. Weary upon her paws, she would rock onto her haunches and subsequently her stomach, easing finally onto her uninjured right side. ?Can you patch this up?? Sendoa gave a gesture with her muzzle to her bloodied left side. It would need healing, of this she was certain.
