
Does this trolley go to Tahiti?



12-20-2023, 07:00 AM

Ursa was still quite young and rather timid when leaving the borders of Armada. Going any farther than the pack lines and her legs quivered. There were a few times she would wander but that was typically with others from the pack so there was a bit of safety in that. Today though, as she made her way down from the col, she was trying to feel brave. At the back of her mind, she hoped to see Erik again. The boy was sweet to her and though she didn't want to admit it, she liked spending time with him. How would her parents feel about that though? He was from another pack... Was his pack and her's on good terms?

She thought about those things as she carefully made her way to the bottom of the falls. Summer was almost here and with how warm the air felt, she knew she could find something to replant back up in the woods. From her higher up position, she could see something growing along the pool at the bottom of the valley. Though she couldn't quite tell what it was from there, she wanted to know. Practically scurrying down the rocky path, she didn't see the older boy until it was almost too late.

Coming to a skittering halt, Ursa falls back on her bum and looks at the brown-coated boy. "S-sorry! I was just trying to get a look at that plant!" She exclaims, her light and bubbly voice stuttering slightly as she lifts a paw to point at the cluster of plants nearby.

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1. Does this trolley go to Tahiti? Waterfall Peak 06:48 AM, 12-20-2023 03:14 AM, 02-13-2024