
I want to be there


Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
12-20-2023, 09:28 AM
The smile on the lady’s face runs away and Gavroche gives a tiny whine. Had he made her upset? Yet she gives him a loving muzzle, just like his mama did. This allows the boy to smile again, returning the loving gesture by rubbing back against her. No matter what makes her sad, he will be there to help chase that sadness away. The lady reveals she is his aunt and realization lights up his eyes. An aunt! His mama had told him about his aunts and uncles. She was family? His tail wags behind him and Gavroche happily trails after Hay to where she would lead him.

They enter an empty room but it is clear someone has lived here. He looks around, ears perked up and his cat eyes taking on a glow as he takes note of the storage shelves once used before moving over to the furs. His aunt helps him up and Gav sits beside her, a small, thoughtful frown on his face as he listens to her. Her mama… his grandmother. His smile falters again as Haydee says she was sad, a whine leaving his lips. He doesn't interrupt yet, but the boy is back on his paws and it is clear he wants to. His aubr tells him not to worry and he shakes his head with a stomp of his foot. “She needs to be here, Auntie!” His voice is the insistent whine of a child. He moves closer, placing both forepaws on her own paw.

“We gotta go get her! We gotta make her smile again!” He continues to press the point, his ears falling against his head. Gavroche doesn't understand many things yet, but there are two things he does know. Family is everything, and his family needed to be happy. He drops his gaze, brow furrowed as he sniffs. “...Maybe she's sad because her family isn't there…” The poor boy doesn't understand, and wants with all his heart to help. He has no idea he is part of his grandmother’s deep grief.

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1. I want to be there Lazuli Falls 06:18 PM, 08-06-2023 07:58 AM, 01-30-2024