
Green grass and high tides

Magpie, Cricket



Intermediate Intellectual (30)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

2 Years
12-23-2023, 01:12 PM

Magpie would never turn down an invitation. She just might be a bit late. Still now that her new treasure had been secured it was high time she get her butt over to the neighbouring land. Double checking that she'd hidden her prize well enough for now Magpie nodded and headed out to meet up with Leaf. Not that she didn't get distracted nearly every five steps once she'd gotten to the plateau. It was honestly Leaf's fault for forgetting how much Magpie loves to hoard. And so many things here caught the meagre sunlight in such a way to also catch her eye. Which definetly didn't make her even more late as each new item she found she had to compare with what she'd already snatched and weigh what she was willing to leave behind or swap and what she absolutely couldn't bear to part with. Things like the fact she'd have to carry it all and was making her sister wait were not factors. One of these days she needed to get herself a satchel or something. By the time she could make out Leaf on the horizon she was carrying half of her new hoard and kicking the other half down her path.

And by the time she kicked her pile of items over to Leaf? Well someone else had already arrived! It wasn't as if Magpie had never seen a more colourful wolf before. There were a small enough number in Avalon but the pack wasn't exactly busy and to be fair Magpie had never seen a green wolf before. Small though? She's seen small, there was a pair of older women kicking around Avalon who were pretty tiny, maybe not this tiny but once you had to tilt your head all the way down to see someone that became a lot harder to judge. So Magpie stared for a moment, and then a grin spread out across her face. "You didn't tell me we were inviting company!" Magpie looked to her sister, having missed the whole tripping over her thing. "M'Magpie!" She chirped a little too loudly in greeting. Then she set about organizing her pile of items. Three faded and rusted bullets, a handful of grenade pins that luckily hadn't been in any grenades when she found them, a black infantry helmet and oldest of all a green with age chunk of a bronze armour piece though which one was impossible to say now. Not that Magpie knew what any of it was. "What's the plan?" Magpie asked once she was satisfied with her collection and settled onto her haunches. No doubt she'd be more than delighted once she learned what Leaf had in mind but honestly she would have been happy doing most things with her sister.


WC: 464 (1155/1500)

Lineart bylocaltanuki & coloured by Bunni
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

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