
First steps

Open to any pack mates or family



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

1 Year
12-20-2023, 08:23 PM

Of course she was here. Hanataro had taken herself close to the falls before but she never strayed too far to the water. After all she found the idea of rule breaking… pretty boring. Somehow the idea of being the best that she could be and that still hadn’t been enough. A feeling she couldn’t quite describe gripped her each day more aggressively. Like how her body felt, but today she wanted to push it aside and do something she’d been debating for a while. Ever since she’d found out she was a little different from others health wise, herbs had been on the brain. She recalled what Daddy mo had told her when he treated her. There had to be some of those plants around here somewhere.

Her paws toiled in the soil as she looked over a hill at the water running from the falls. Into a little river that stretched as far as she could see. The banks seemed teeming with all sorts of plants that she couldn’t name. Little Lillie’s and flowers, from afar a few bugs also had made their homes buzzing about. For a moment Hanataro was content to bask in nature. Listening to the birds, basking in the sun as it filtered through the tree’s. So many things could happen here huddled in the territory that she called home.
Like most days, Hanataro's mind wandered while she looked at life moving about. She recalled a dream where she had been king, her siblings all knights fighting to protect him. A sign maybe that she couldn’t quiet interpret. Then like an idea popping off in her head she jumped up. Startling the nearby birds and bugs as they scattered to get away.

Horsetail!” She exclaimed suddenly. An herb she knew for a fact she could find near the banks of the falls. Or at least where the ground got all muddy and wet if she was remembering correctly. Horsetail, it was a little green plant that kind of looked all sticky at the tips. Almost like antlers coming out of the ground is the best way she could see it. So then she looked left, then right and began to trek closer to the water's edge. Slowly she only got close enough so that she could feel how the soil was. If it was wet, then the patch had the potential to hold this legendary Horsetail she wanted.

The first patch proved to just be weeds mixed in with mud. By the end of her search her paws were brown stained unlike their usual cream. Her black paw however she lifted and threw the mud with a soft laugh. Best not to get distracted, she shook her head trying to clear it for some better concentration. Moving on she sought out a patch closer to the water bank. She could see the water falling downstream and she reminded herself not to get too close. She really didn’t feel like being rescued if she fell in. She had to learn to take care of herself one day and in order to do that she needed to grow big and strong like her dads.

That was when she saw it. She really did, her nose nestling close to the plant as she beamed at it. This was the herb that her dad had told her about. It was great for… for wounds. She wrinkled her brow trying to make sure she remembered. Well now all that was left was for her to collect this! She could put it in the den and show her siblings later. The idea LOOK at this piece of magic I found. It’s I the prince whose can wish all your worries away. Hanataro grinned then began digging around the plant.
it was a clumsy process for the pup. Her too big of paws slapping mud around and whenever she did water was seeping in. She frowned and inspected the plant further. Why didn’t it want to come out. After all she didn’t want to hurt the plant. She pawed around it a little more and discovered tiny little tendrils. What the heck? So it was attached to the ground by these things? It meant she would have to think of something else.

She gently pawed through the tendrils, more and more coming loose. This probably wasn’t the best idea but she full heartedly shoved her mouth around the base of the plant. The dirt tasted awful, as she took one firm tug and tripped backwards into dryer land. Sitting there a bit dumbfounded, she set the horsetail down. She had done it! She collected an herb all in her own. Well she certainly had to just show this to someone. Anyone in the pack would do.

Excitement made her ignored the mud in her mouth. Gently scooping the plant up she walked farther away from the water. Searching for anyone, maybe auntie asla or one of her siblings. Better yet one of her dads! So off she went with the herb in her mouth, looking for someone to share it with.

Word count; 850


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1. First steps Sunset Falls 08:23 PM, 12-20-2023 12:41 AM, 07-03-2024