
wherever you’re going, can i come too?




3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
12-20-2023, 11:49 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2024, 04:35 AM by Medulla. Edited 1 time in total.)

he’d ruined her. in the weeks since their meeting, it was the only thing she could think with any real clarity, the only sentiment she felt with absolute certainty. a single night spent with that damningly handsome man, and he’d ruined her for anyone else. that night swam before her eyes everytime she slipped into sleep, his face filling the forefront of her mind so often she was now sure she could draw him with her eyes closed. and yet, his features also seemed to blur over time, a dream-like quality to his memory that only served to increase her desperation. it couldn’t have been her only ever encounter with him, not after the night she’d spent in his arms. she was a woman m with a craving, waking in the middle of the night longing for him to soothe the itch inside her, to douse the fire he’d lit within the pit of her stomach. sometimes she wasn’t sure if she desired or resented him for it. she’d been fine before she’d met him, hadn’t she? exploring as much unclaimed territory as she could, meeting the occasional new face here and there, hunting for her dinner and sleeping beneath the stars. it’d been an unqssuming existence, but it’d been hers. now, though, she couldn’t seem to settle back into that routine without a dull hollowness opening up inside her, a gaping chasm she couldn’t fill no matter how feverishly she tried. the things that had satisfied her no longer seemed to, the life she’d led appeared a small, dismal one. so in all the ways that counted he’d ruined her.

still, she hadn’t quite been looking for him, per say. it was more an aimless drifting, an exploration void of any real purpose beyond shaking the restlessness from her pelt. of course, she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t been keeping an eye out for him - a vigilance that is rewarded as she enters the colder territories. his scent was unmistakable, the heady masculinity of him stoking that fire within her as she followed its trail. it was fresh here, and mingled with a variety of strange new scents, the very idea of which had her hackles rising with jealousy. who had he been time with while she’d been traipsing about like a lost puppy without its master? was she really so expendable? by now she was a mess of anger and desire and longing and envy, all bundled up in one lone woman, eating her up from the inside out as she sought him. he wouldn’t get away with just ignoring her, not like this - not without a final confrontation. all of this was his fault, after all, and the least he could do was take responsibility.


