
Does this trolley go to Tahiti?



Raiders Hollow
The Sawbone

Master Healer (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

3 Years
Dire wolf

1KSamhain 2022
12-21-2023, 01:06 AM

Sakana grinned when she mentioned that her mother had some in the garden, and gratefully nodded when she said he could have this one. “Well, it certainly looks big enough for harvesting,” he gestured to the leaves. “You want this stuff to be at least 2 years old for the best effects, something like this smaller one,” He tipped his head to the smaller plant next to it, “Well, that'd be a good one to take for a garden, I dunno if where I live is wet enough, or if it would survive the journey home...” But maybe he could come back and fetch it for the mountain pack?

The brown wolf began carefully pushing the soil back from the base of the plant, “Generally, it would be better to harvest this in autumn, but since it's a bit older, the roots should be ok...” The soft ground made it easy to push the soil back to expose the upper hair like roots, he shuffled back to give the pup some room so she could give it a go. As they got deeper, the roots took on a more gnarled appearance, thickening and twisting like skinny tubers. “These are the bits we want, they should break off pretty easily, but try to avoid chewing on it, you don't want a nap in the middle of nowhere.” Sakana gave a gentle smile, using his paw to break off one of the roots. His new capuchin dropped from the trees and darted in to grab the piece he had broken free. “Don' you go eatin' that!” He warned the little beast sternly. He didn't need an extra body to try and drag home.


-healing lesson 3/3-

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1. Does this trolley go to Tahiti? Waterfall Peak 06:48 AM, 12-20-2023 03:14 AM, 02-13-2024