
Choices need to be made

Hazel, spider



Master Hunter (246)

Master Fighter (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
12-21-2023, 01:45 AM

it’s like all their worst nightmares come together to torment them at once, coalescing into one great horror show in which they’re helpless to do anything but sit back and watch. and it’s made all the worse because this is Bas, Bas who has always been there for them, played games with them and trained them and given them gifts. oh stars, the gifts. it’s like the dagger at their side has gained a sudden awful weight, and in their frazzled mind they almost imagine the Fatalis name carved into its steel hissing against their skin, rejecting them. Fatalis. a family name given to them as evidence of their belonging, as a symbol of their place here. in their darkest hours it’d felt like a band of armour around their heart, guarding them against the worst of their insecurities. but now as they stand in this clearing and gaze from one distraught face to the other, they suddenly feel just how tenuous the bonds between them are, as delicate as cobweb - and apparently as easy to brush away. they stare at Bas as Hazel speaks, urges him to say something, anything that will fix what his words are breaking. something in their chest is splintering into a million pieces, and it feels so damningly familiar that for one terrible moment they look into Bas’ eyes and see only Her detached gaze staring back at them. no, no, he’s nothing like Her, he’s not leaving them, he’s just…just…

but he is, isn’t he? he’s leaving them.

Bas says their name, and it pulls them abruptly back to reality. they almost don’t want to look at him again, so terrified of what they’ll find there. “you…you don’t need him,” they whisper, and they hate how childish it sounds. how naive. “he…he left you, and it made you sad, but you have us now. you have us.” isn’t that enough for him? but no, they think to themselves, why settle for fake family when you can have real family? blood family? the thought sits like a stone on their lungs, crushing every breath. “why would you want a father who forces you to choose?” they demand, and they’re startled by the bitterness in their voice. they’ve never raised their voice at Bas, never been angry with him. he’s always seemed near god-like in their eyes, benevolent and protective, kind and doting. the perfect father. but now as they look at him, they see only a man, and it terrifies them.



Spider has a male raven companion named Doomsday and a female snake companion named Lady Snakeskin. Assume they are present unless stated otherwise.

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1. Choices need to be made Mile-High Woods 01:09 PM, 11-18-2023 05:54 PM, 04-18-2024