
You run real good

Rivin - healing seasonal



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
12-21-2023, 10:46 PM

After her latest episodes, Rivin had set to taking a sedative in secret to keep her mind calmed once more. While she didn’t like the idea of needing to rely on the herb, it was necessary. She would not, could not risk hurting anyone in the Raiders. And she would be damned if this beast within her managed to win. At first she had been afraid of her, afraid of what she was capable of… but this was her body, wasn’t it? It should be her choice how to proceed in her life. Just as Gil had told her regarding what her father had said. And so that was what Rivin was fighting to do. Take control of her life, try to manage what was within her. She carried a small supply of that herb in her gathering bag, just in case she started to feel her try to creep into her mind.

Rivin had spent a good portion of the day straightening up her room and reorganizing things. While she wanted to head out to Fern Gulley, as well as some other western lands to gather herbs, she wanted to make sure she had a system in place for organizing them and preparing the seeds of others to be used in the garden. As she worked on her system, making changes and pausing every so often to run through a checklist in her head, Lark watched her from a bed of moss and grasses. To see her at work, truly in her element, was a fascinating thing. He’d been worried for his mistress for a while, and so it was his searching that had discovered the passionflower. It was fast growing, and therefore of the most use to Rivin who yearned for that control over herself.

She would not be caught in another episode again.

Ears pricked as a call came for her. Sakana - a fellow healer and a knowledgeable one at that. She would pause her organization, grab her bag, and set off to leave her room and make her way to the outer buildings where the call had come from at a brisk trot.

The smell of burning and mold invaded her nose as she approached. She wrinkled her nose as she stepped in, an ear flicking back as she noticed the flaming bucket and the remainder of the herbs he was sorting. The pile set aside that was still usable, well, it certainly wasn’t enough to cover a whole pack. Especially one that was seeking to expand their territory and likely members in time. A thoughtful frown crossed her face as she let her green gaze turn to Sakana. “Not looking good… fucking sucks.” She tilted her head to the side slightly.

“What were the most vital things we lost? I was planning to head out on a gathering trip as it was, and get some things of my own.” And of course she could gather whatever they lacked as well. He’d had the only store from the previous year, and if most of it was bad, she’d be out there for a while collecting everything they would need.


Word Count: 524 Words
Total Word Count: 1,077 Words

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. You run real good Daager Isle 10:19 PM, 12-21-2023 08:04 AM, 01-30-2024