
ouch, that one hurt

healing points



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
12-21-2023, 11:07 PM

Well, at least the wound was tended to for now. Tried and practiced, she was getting better at this treatment thing. But almost as if calling her bluff on actually taking the limb, Gilgamesh proposed a question and Rivin furrowed her brow. “At present, no, I don’t think I could.” Rivin admits honestly. “A lot of my healing knowledge has been gained by kind of… spying on other healers. Loners mostly.” She tells him. She hadn’t really had anyone else to practice the stuff on. But she paid attention when there were herbs to focus on, and healing techniques that could be useful for the raiders. An ear flicks back thoughtfully.

“I’ve never seen it done before, so I would not be comfortable doing it yet. But… I do have an idea of some important factors when it comes to it.” Her look becomes thoughtful as she taps into the knowledge she has. “Most importantly, you want to cut off circulation of the blood. Doing a removal would cause a massive wound, so much so that mere clotting is going to be damn near impossible with applying pressure and such. Likely going to need rope or something. Something strong, that won’t risk breaking.” Her tail flicks.

“A lot of water, to help keep the area clear as you work. The more blood in the way, the higher chance you can fuck their body up worse I’d think.” Do more harm than good if it was done improperly. “...hmm… Do you happen to know if Sakana has ever needed to amputate anyone? Would he have the knowledge? Or is this something I should get practice on?” She was serious. She was not above removing the limb of some other creature to make sure she didn’t fuck up if she needed to do it on a raider. Practice makes perfect, right?

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. ouch, that one hurt Daager Isle 12:44 PM, 09-27-2023 12:06 PM, 03-07-2024