
You run real good

Rivin - healing seasonal


Raiders Hollow
The Sawbone

Master Healer (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

3 Years
Dire wolf

1KSamhain 2022
12-21-2023, 11:09 PM

Sakana continued to sort and point, his monkey continued to scratch away at the hide. Willowbark, surely he wouldn't have to spell that one out? but he did anyway, Devil's claw, they'd need to go all the way to the desert for that, maybe even around Dragon's blood grove, and whoever was there could harvest some dragon's blood while they were there? Perhaps he would have to take that one on himself... Meadowsweet should be around Tall Grass, and he'd gathered some beggar's blanket from Waterfall Peak, but it wouldn't hurt to have more on hand. Eucalyptus though... That would be another tricky one.

He was pulled from his musings by Rivin's arrival, and though he smiled, it was a haggard sight. He looked visibly exhausted, as he should after months of trying to keep the leader's wife alive, and keeping her illness a secret from him. “Anything to assist with respiratory distress, and with this bunch, wound care. The Wife almost died over winter. She has a horrible wet cough. You can hear it crackle in her lungs, and sometimes it gets so bad she spits up blood...” No point keeping it a secret now, she'd been halfway across Boreas hacking and screaming. “I'd burned through everything I had left, and then some. I think we'll have to get Gilgamesh on side to get the scouts involved. I've got blondie making a map... Even if we aren't desperate for it now, it's worth marking known locations out so it isn't just on us to keep supplies up. What if we're patching people up after a raid and we're running short on something? At least this way, we could probably even send some of the birds in a pinch.”

Once he had his new infirmary set up, he would hang it from the wall so it could serve as a teaching aid as well as a reminder for the rest of the pack that supplies didn't just materialise out of thin air. If they wanted to go and get themselves into mischief, then they could bloody well help stock the supplied to help keep them in one piece.

“I managed to find purple coneflower and beggar's blanket at waterfall peak, I even bought back a small valerian plant if you think it might be worth trying to grow it in your garden, but it prefers to keep its roots damp so it might be a struggle with the sand...” The wilting plant sat on the sled with a damp scrap of hide holding soil close to its roots. “We should also look at setting up another garden, maybe over on the archipelago... The soil seems more forgiving over there, but we'll have to contend with the birds and the pigs...” Another discussion to have with the Raid King, he'd need wolves far larger than he was to help build a decent fence to keep the wildlife away.

He sighed again. “Where on earth are we going to find more bandages?”



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1. You run real good Daager Isle 10:19 PM, 12-21-2023 08:04 AM, 01-30-2024