



09-19-2013, 01:40 AM

He would stand waiting, muscles tensing as he watched the man and woman before him. He knew nothing of them, and if it wasn't for his positive nature he might have been scared- except, he wasn't. He did not fear the repercussions of helping someone in need, he merely saw the good in everything and everyone. Noting the woman's nod he could tell that his services were no longer needed, but before he went to turn away, the ivory man was speaking again. He stood still, ears tipped forward to listen to what he was saying. ?your services would be more of use to the magpie leader after i rip her throat out from beneath her chin- ?and i promise her and her pathetic people that i will.? He swallowed hard, trying to get the lump down his throat. Was he talking about Chrysanthe? She was the only other alpha there, and she had injuries as well. Had they fought? He couldn't help but wonder what had happened. After this he would need to go see her.

He wanted to say something, anything. He wanted this man to stay far away from Chrysanthe, he didn't want anyone to get hurt, not even the albino snake before him. He could already tell there was something off about this man, but he was not one to judge. He would not judge his opinions, he would not judge his actions, and he would not judge his mistakes. He was a neutral creature, simply sent to help those in need. That was it. His gaze lifted toward the brown female one more time, and just as he was about to leave, another lady came onto the scene. She was in pretty bad shape, blood seeping out of a wound in her left armpit. What in the hell was going on over there? "Yes, he will be fine m'lady. Just a few weeks of healing time and he will be as good as new." He did not know any of them, and surly this was putting him in a bad situation, but he didn't mind. All he wanted to do was help. "Two seriously injured patients, are you sure you want me to leave, miss Eris? I can assist if you would like, at least until they are both good to go." He gave her a genuine smile, one he gave most wolves he met. His gaze wavered toward the blue female, then toward the ivory man. "I don't know what is going on out there. All I know is I heard some commotion, and saw someone in danger. I am completely neutral on anything that may be happening. I just want you all to understand that." He spoke to all of them softly, not wanting to raise a tone and set them off. "I just want to make sure you are all safe and patched up, if you will allow me that."
