


09-19-2013, 02:21 AM

Ill words pro-fused her kings jaws, but he finally sank to the ground, and she would move in, using her muzzle to check the binding upon the wound that the stranger had gave, it seemed to be holding in place, but the stranger was right, they needed to get him into the water, to clean it and help the blood clot. "Isardis, they were holding their own when I left...." A sigh escaped her jaws, followed with a frown, "I don't know Isardis... I just... they have to be okay." No sooner had this thought process came, did another scent appear, stepping deftly in front of her patient, her hackles rose, only to relax as she recognized the scent. The woman was of Glaciem, one of their ranks that she had yet to meet. Her golden eyes would scan the woman, the stench of blood heavy on her. She was plastered with it.

The words she spoke, were in regards to her king and Eris, who was still standing over him, admired her loyalty, but she needed help as well. The stranger, offered his help to her, again now that the number of injured wolves had grown. She cast him a long look, contemplating the irritated response she would most likely get from her king, at taking outside help, but then again, he couldn't complain if he was dead. In fact his next words spoke of neutrality, and though that worried her, for her kings response, she nodded. "Stay, sir, if you will. I could use another set of paws." Turning back to the other female, she spoke again.

"Argent... is she okay?" When she had left, her best friend had been in battle with the male alpha of Valhalla, and given the current state of her friend... Eris was worried. Letting out a sigh, she waited for an answer, turning back towards Isardis. "If I help you stand, can we manage to make it to the shallow water? The coolness of the water will not only feel nice, it'll also help clean the wound and stop the bleeding." Isardis, was bigger than she, but she was strong, and could manage a good bit of his weight, to get him into the water. Turning her head back to the other woman, she moved towards her, stepping close to examine the wound. "Ma'am if you'd please, can you make it into the water as well, so we can see what we have to work with here?"

Turning her head to the stranger, she spoke again, "Would you help her in, and help clean the wound? I'll help Isardis." She wasn't trying to choose a favorite, rather, she didn't want the king stranger to be victim to Isardis's cruel words, no it was better that she dealt with the grouch. A chuckle brought itself to her jaws, as she moved towards her king, as she contemplated her new nick-name for him. 'The grouch', yes, that would do. Coming back to stand beside Isardis, she would wait to see if he would be able to bring himself to a somewhat standing position. Casting a glance, back in the direction of the battle, she let out a sigh. How was the rest of their pack?

