
Unknown Dimension


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
12-22-2023, 10:48 AM

A scent of the wind beckoned him from his usual patrol of the Polar edge. It traveled along the warm breeze cutting through the frosty mountains of his newfound home. Arousing Cifarelli to investigate what could be something of interest. Nose to the ground. Ears shifting every which way, he could not help himself. Steps now picked up in pace as rock became grass. That soon shifted into hard gravel. The area reeked of old history. Past situations even he knew nothing about. A few faint markings of others lingered around. But, they weren't what brought him to the area. In front of him stood a gaping mouth. No eyes. No ears. Just jagged rocks that resembled teeth. A creature of unknown origin.

The black plague took time to look around. Gaze observing every inch of space with deep concentration. The entire ordeal took quite a bit of time as he left no rock unturned. No blade of grass was unsniffed. A few bugs scattered the moment he flipped over their place of hiding. Birds escaped from their perches the moment his paws landed on the base of trees. He took breaks. Scratching at his side. An itch quickly being relieved before returning to the investigation of the grounds. Cifa was indeed thorough in his work. With no other in sight. Not a single-pack scent in the general vicinity. It was finally time to descend into the entrance. Walking with confidence further inside the throat of the beast. His body was now nothing but a distant memory the more he traveled through the belly. What lies ahead he did not know. He just knew it was time to stop being lazy and return to the mission at hand. Or rather.... paw.

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1. Unknown Dimension Northern Mines 10:48 AM, 12-22-2023 03:04 PM, 03-31-2024