
The Inaugural Harvest Ball

Hallows and friendly pack yearlings welcome!


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
12-22-2023, 12:35 PM

Magical, mystical, magnificent, magnetic, majestic, masterful, mindblowing, memorable, mesmerizing... there were so many words that could describe Siduri and she'd been doing just that on her trip back to The Hallows. She'd made it to letter M so far and was already gathering her thoughts to start on letter N when the entrance to the castle came into sight. She'd heard word of a party. A kid party. She was a kid, and who didn't like a party? Sid wasn't exactly invited... but she hadn't been told that she wasn't invited either.

The noble, notable, nautical, notorious child seemed to materialize out of thin air. One moment she wasn't there. The next she was sitting beside the big, formidable form of Artorias. Sid stared straight ahead, ringed eyes wide as she scooted closer an inch at a time. She was a little bit bigger now, but not by much. Full grown, she wouldn't exactly be a dire wolf. She was big in spirit though and that's what counted, right?

"What're we doin' this time?" the multicolored girl whispered to the Aegis of The Hallows. From inside she could smell the rich scent of various foods and could hear the crackling of fire and the murmur of conversational voices. Sid began to get a little antsy, little toes wiggling as though it was the most difficult thing in the world to sit still rather than burst into the gathering like the whooping heathen that she was. It was the most difficult thing in the world.


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1. The Inaugural Harvest Ball Amron's Castle 03:58 PM, 12-15-2023 12:53 PM, 03-24-2024