
STARDUST (birth)

Talon I


4 Years
09-19-2013, 06:34 AM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2013, 06:35 AM by Talon I.)

The stench of blood was strong in the air. It arrested Talon's attention from where he'd been crouched, near the base of a small stream, searching desperately for fish to catch. Since joining Glaciem, he hadn't ventured far from Euphrosyne's side, still rather wary of Isardis and ... well, everyone else here. The Alpha hadn't seemed terribly impressed with him; not like he was with Euphrosyne. He hadn't seen much interraction between the two, but he certainly cared for her. Perhaps he could impress him! Already a few dead salmon lay beside him on the dirt, hardly enough to call a meal, but food was not quite so easy to come by these days. It was most certainly better than nothing.

Slowly he lifted his muzzle, eyes shifting from their position on the slow rapids to search around him. It didn't smell like anything he knew before, and so with curiosity he rose to all three limbs, hoisting himself upright carefully. Only when he leaned down, grabbing the three fish in his jaws, did he begin to trot closer to where the stench emanated from.

Isardis was difficult to miss from a distance -- the boy lowered his head, slipping forward quietly, but not silently. It would likely be a bad idea to try to sneak up on him, and yet he didn't want to brashly rush forward either. Especially as he realized the source of the scent. He wrinkled his nose, curious but confused all the same. He'd never seen children being born, but he knew most mothers were unlikely to let him close while giving birth. With a soft whimper he padded closer, remaining a safe distance away. Slowly he set the fish near Isardis, wondering if he would want it after all -- or maybe the woman giving birth would? Birthing children surely had to be exhausting.

talk , think