
wherever you’re going, can i come too?



The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-22-2023, 06:17 PM

Trailing along the borders of the Polar Sound, reinforcing the scent of the heathens who claimed it as their own. Rhazien found himself lost in thought. Contemplating the future of their band, and the feats they would need to overcome to transform it into a kingdom. Yes, the brood was growing stronger. Each member honing their skills, both alone and together. Rhazien had even stepped in and held lessons for them, accepting his mentorship role. But there was still a lot of preparation to be done, if Sephiran was going to be successful.

And with his role, Rhazien found little time to himself… which left him depraved. Longing for a lustful night with a beautiful woman who would stroke his arrogant flame, and tend to his every desire. The itch was all-consuming- needing to be scratched. He even found it hard to contain himself around his nieces- Yarra and Kaino had a way of enticing him, given their youth and vigor. Admittedly, if either of them ever approached him for a… venereal tutorial, he would oblige. But given they were his nieces, he wasn’t going to propose it first. Out of respect for his brothers.

Sighing, and shaking the thoughts from his mind. Rhazien sauntered in and out of the towering pines, scanning the borders. Raising his head, and sniffing the air, testing it for anything of interest. He caught wind of something abnormal, yet oddly familiar. Perhaps he was going to be satiated after all?

It took a few moments to register the scent, but once he pinpointed it, there was no denying what it belonged to. Who it belonged to. The girl he fucked on the beach. Admittedly, he didn’t think about her often. But when he did, it was only perversities that filled his mind. Her panting, moaning, and groaning, through breathless words. The sweet smell of her sweat, rolling off her body. The fluttering of her eyes. The rocking of her hips, clashing against his. Only carnal erotica. If he never saw her again, it wouldn’t have mattered. But now that she was in the area, crossing into the threshold of monstrosities. Rhazien couldn’t help himself.

He’d allow her to enter the Polar Sound, and he’d follow her scent trail. Staying close enough to keep her walking in circles, but far enough to be undetected. Here and there, he would see a flash of chocolate fur in the distance. Easily picking her out against the backdrop of snow and forestry. Slowly, he closed in on her. Waiting until she had thoroughly spun circles in the Polar Sound, as he was enjoying toying with her, and hunting her down like prey.

Suddenly, he would emerge from the shadows. Slipping into her direct field of view, stopping and portraying the facade of astonishment. “Oh my,” He began, jaw hanging open. "The heavens have opened." His lips started to contort into a sly smile. “I’ve finally found you, my little sapphire.” There was an emphasis on the word my- giving the impression of possessiveness. Of course, Rhazien was making it seem as if he had been looking for her. Trying to play the encounter in his favor, right off the bat. “Or perhaps, you've found me?” Flirtatious and suave, he waited for her to respond. Both physically, and emotionally. Would she be mad at him for vanishing into the night? Had she been longing for him? Or was this a mere coincidence? He needed to know the conditions of her appearance- so he could manipulate it in his favor.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.