
as we collide


09-19-2013, 10:16 AM

It was finished. Incisors released Chrysanthe rather unwillingly, knowing it would not be wise to kill the queen with so many Valhallans still present. Glaciem had prevailed - though just barely - and for now that was all the reward she needed. Well, that and the freedom she had just won. Sendoa removed herself from Chrysanthe's company, limping slightly due to the pain in her left armpit. She would be sore for weeks, she was sure, but the pain was nothing compared to the joy she felt. Despite her brother king falling, she had prevailed and proven that Glaciem was not to be reckoned with. To Taurig's side she would go, happy that he had not fought, but at the same time perplexed that he had chosen not to. She understood, though, she too had tried to get out of this without any bloodshed.

?Glaciem, let us go.? It was an order she would enforce strictly. If they didn't assemble and head home she would personally tear into them. The Overseer was in no mood to injure their current winning streak. It was then that she remembered Gideon and Argent, though she supposed that Argent could handle him herself. If not surely she would call for help. Sendoa leaned her uninjured side into Taurig's powerful shoulder, favoring her front left limb. ?We should find Isardis, I am not pleased that the stranger left with he and Eris.? She was most displeased in Vixe, who had not bothered to help the king at all. Eris had helped, but had taken forever to do so. It was time a sensible wolf ensured that Isardis was safe and well.

Exit Sendoa with Taurig? (unless stopped)
