


09-19-2013, 10:33 AM
She had been tasked with raising the pup, but it seemed that raising a child was more labor intensive than Irin might have guessed. Well, this was complicated. She wanted nothing more than to make Isardis proud of her for raising this youngster well and giving him the opportunity to become the greatest warrior of Glaciem, but she hadn't the faintest idea of how to go about it. Still, she was scared to ask for help in such an endeavor, for that would mean admitting to the wolves of Glaciem that she couldn't do what Isardis expected of her. And more than anything, she didn't want to let the pup down either. She wanted to be the best mother that she could be.

Of course, the problem with that was that Irin hadn't the faintest idea of how to be a mother. She could hardly take care of herself, so how could she hope to take care of a young pup as well? He had run off into the frigid autumn night, and right now he could be freezing to death or he could be trapped and starving or or or he could have angered a predator and he could be mauled and bleeding out and oh goddess, she had to find him right then!

Panic blossomed in Irin's thoughts and she found herself breaking into a lope across the ground, racing along the trail that Seth had left behind him. Her imagination ran wild, and she half expected to find his corpse when she reached him. But when her gaze came to settle on Seth's form, the tension melted from her body as she realized that he was okay. Her breath was ragged as she tried to recover from the panicked race across Glaciem's territory, but he was okay, and that was what mattered.

Trying her best to be nonchalant, Irin flicked her tail, "Seth!" She greeted the pup, "Are you all right?" Had he been hurt? Had he managed to run afoul of some strange beast and get hurt? Was he hungry? Or tired?

She really wasn't cut out for this. But for Seth, Irin had already determined, she would do her best.