
Unknown Dimension


12-23-2023, 04:55 PM

Calista glided effortlessly over the rocky terrain, her fur brushing against the jagged edges as she traversed the landscape with the silence of a shadow. Her sharp eyes absorbed the subtle details of her surroundings, discerning the old scents lingering in the air. Amidst the past odours, a more recent aroma would pique her curiosity, prompting her to move purposefully towards its source.

Approaching the mouth of a cave, Calista's keen senses would detect another presence. Intrigued, she paused in her steps, choosing to observe the figure from a discreet distance. As they disappeared into the cavern's depths, an irresistible urge led her to follow suit, each step as careful and quiet as possible. Yet, her attempt at stealth betrayed her when a cascade of stones beneath her paws disturbed the eerie silence. The clattering announced her presence unmistakably, which would definitely draw the attention of the stranger to her. Unperturbed, she remained composed.

The woman acknowledged the inevitable revelation, she abandoned her concealed stance and emerged from the shadows with an air of confidence. "Looking for something?" Calista inquired, her voice a velvety monotone that revealed nothing of her prior surveillance. Her gaze, seemingly detached, masked the fact that she had trailed the wolf into the cave. With ears perked, she awaited a response that might unravel the purpose of their shared exploration, all the while concealing her own intrigue.

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1. Unknown Dimension Northern Mines 10:48 AM, 12-22-2023 03:04 PM, 03-31-2024