
Black and Gold



6 Years
09-19-2013, 11:05 AM

Azalea could feel the winds of change upon Valhalla. They were on the verge of war. Even with Isardis critically wounded, she wouldn't be so foolish as to say that they had won and there would be nothing more. Argent had won all rights to Gideon, he was now a hostage in the north lands, and Chrysanthe had lost against Sendoa leaving the dark female part of Glaciem.

Valhalla had nothing to bargain with, except perhaps Liberty if Isardis even still wanted her. She knew her aunt would not make such a trade, though. Valhalla had numbers but at current they were losing the battle. As her aunt's call was heard far and wide, Azalea was not surprised by the sound. Her gut instinct told er this was coming and now her gut instinct told her that this would not be an easy meeting.

With a sigh she rose, heading off to meet her alpha as she was sure all others were doing as well. She merged onto a well traveled path, following it to where Chrysanthe was found. Amber eyes held a shadow in them, she was not herself. A light trot carried her to Chrysanthe to which she stopped, nodding. "Chrysanthe," Her name was all she could muster, not sure what else to say. How did one sooth a wolf who had been parted from their mate? In one way it would be easier to cope if Gideon had been killed, his fate would have at least been known then. Yet here they sat, unknown of what horrors might be falling upon their king.

Azalea hesitated before her aunt from only a moment before moving off to the side, turning to face the same direction as the blue eyed woman. She seated herself easily, a sigh escaping her.
