
Spring cleaning




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Cherry OOC
12-24-2023, 11:39 AM
our home is outer space
black skies and endless seas
Harumi opens their jaws to protest more- they still don't think it's fair- but their father has a point, as much as they'd rather argue. He's herding them along before they can even think to say too much in complaint, but this time they do wheel around to stick their tongue out at their brother before they follow their father.

Mojito seems to be all business as he places a few dried plants down- one Harumi recognizes well enough,as common as it is, and the other something much less so. They furrow their brows at it, just for a second, before their Papa is speaking- and just as quickly, they snap back to attention.

They turn their attention to the first pilre again, staring at it as if it may help them to memorize everything. Leaves for appetite, roots for stomache, flower for health and mixture for swelling they repeat in their mind, like a mantra, falling uncharacteristicaly silent. A part of them wanted to voice another complaint- this was all so much- but their Papa was already continuing.

The purple flowers- the ones Harumi didn't see as often- were called alf-something. Alf...alfa? This time, they do break their concentrated silence with a little giggle "That's a weird name."  If their other sibling seems to think so, he doesn't voice it- instead, he only asks what the bad things the seeds do are. At the question, Harumi shifts their weight away, just slightly.

Maybe they shouldn't have stuck their tongue out at him.

Despite their misgivings, they take one of the plants, themselves. Although, from the corner of their eye, they can see the way Umeshu inspects the plant with a near-feverish interest.

They're absolutely going to avoid making him too mad after this, they decide in that moment.

WC: 300 (1806/1500)
this is not enough,
this is not enough
[Image: 74564142_6KHlZWh0qzDtahA.png?1702093961]

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1. Spring cleaning Sunset Falls 12:37 AM, 12-04-2023 12:41 AM, 07-03-2024