
the rightful... heirs?

viking puppy birth!


Raiders Hollow
The Sawbone

Master Healer (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

3 Years
Dire wolf

1KSamhain 2022
12-24-2023, 08:01 PM (This post was last modified: 12-24-2023, 08:07 PM by Sakana. Edited 1 time in total.)

When she declared that this wasn't his first time, he smiled ruefully, “Nah, just grateful I didn' have t'fish you out of the ocean half-drowned like the last one.” It was a tale for another time, as the first child was born. With her permission given he quickly scooped up the pup, giving it a visual once over, breathing fine, no signs of cleft palate, two ears, two eye, four legs with four toes on each foot, no sign of bulging around the umbilical... Good. He pushed the child towards his mother's flank just in time to catch the second, and then the third and fourth and fifth. Gosh he wasn't even the one doing the hard work and already he was exhausted!

He cocked his head at the sixth though, one of these things is not like the others... For one it was noisy and challengingly wriggly still covered in amniotic fluid, and while the rest clearly belonged to the two parents in the room, this one looked out of place. Maybe some sort of throwback on one of the parent's sides? It wasn't his place to ask. Satisfied this one as well as the others he pushed it back towards it's siblings against his mother's flank and turned to start preparing some additional treatments for the new mother.

He made several small pouches of tea to assist with postpartum recovery, consisting of a blend of yarrow, motherwort and rosehips, given the size of the children, he also set his monkey to making a balm of lavender, marigold, boneset and waybread. They were blended into a beeswax base to help it stick a little better to the mending tissues. He allowed enough time for Víðarr to say his piece with regards to the naming of the boys before gesturing to his work. “I will leave you to rest now, but I have prepared some tea to assist with your recovery, take it morning and night... and some balm...” He trusted Tenshi would know where it was for without him having to spell it out, growing hot under his fur, he really was still just a kid after all. “If you need me at all, you can send a bird and I'll be here as quick as I can, but I don't foresee there being much trouble.” He dipped his head respectfully and moved to the door to give the new family some much needed bonding time.


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1. the rightful... heirs? Fenrir's Maw 06:26 AM, 12-22-2023 04:47 PM, 01-09-2024