


03-10-2013, 12:37 PM
ooc:: Nothin' shoo-shay, and this is one of those times when I think I'm going to have a shitty post then it's like, oh hey, a long post. -facedesk-
a small smile spread across her lips, soon fading into a frown in realization of her stupidity. ah, i apologize for my short greeting and forth most introduction. my name is aztec zinlladios, offspring of cirina zinlladios and engi denllions, former member of Kabila ya Kulungu, the tribe of sun and moon. in our times, we celebrated the eight celestial planets, one of which looks very much like you, jupiter. perhaps this is your own name my beloved alpha. as i said before, i shall serve you till my death and fight until the end of the world for the pack. believe me so, i never break my vows. as her voice trailed off into short rambling, she shook her head and smiled once more, to prove my strength and will, i'll go on a quick hunt for you. soon after her speech, a small creature hopped by her, a hare of some sort. inhaling deeply, the fe me stalked off after it, making no sound.


the hare indeed was nimble. soon the dame found herself running in circles about it. at least she was out of the new alpha's sight. once it was within her reach, the female bunched up her muscles, springing forwards at the creature, who had too become tired. it was the end of its toil as aztec snapped it's leg off, deriving it of the blood. in pride, she carried the catch off to her alpha, to drop it at her paws and gain respect for herself and the pack. in the tribe, we always hunted for the alpha first then ourselves, when there was no caribou to prey upon later, she nudged the hare towards jupiter and spoke once more, while i remained in my tribe, a law was to hunt for wolves of higher tiers first, then for ourselves. might i suggest that single law to be of your pack? another questsion is, what is the pack going to be known as?