
insert band pitch title here

interest check


"In Light, Justice; In Shadow, Vengeance"


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

2 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverSamhain 20221K
12-26-2023, 06:16 PM
-cracks knuckles-

Do you have any good guys hanging around on site, struggling to find a place to fit in?
Are they cool with being a beacon of hope in a land overwhelmed by tyranny and evil?

I am pitching a band/pack idea that is just that, led by the justice-driven Vanta, and aiming to fill a much-needed niche on Ardent.

Vanta is not a typical Fatalis, and through trials and tribulations has developed an itching hatred for evil bastards of all sorts. She has adopted an "anything-for-the-greater-good" philosophy, and is looking for other like minded wolves to join her cause.

At its heart, this band will be a vigilante group adhering to mostly chaotic-good principles. We are the shadows moving against the dark, the silent guardians of justice. Our mission is to not just harass, but dismantle the institutions and individuals that spread corruption and cruelty.

This group is formed not out of a desire to have a nice, warm, happy home for our members/families/whatever, or as a safe place to just be ourselves whomever that may be; Vanta's focus is sharply on combating evil in all its forms, and is seeking to bring together likeminded wolves who are cool with actively looking to invest themselves in this sort of chaos. This isn't about leisurely pack life; it's about making a difference! Whether it's declaring certain notorious wolves as attack-on-sight enemies or even planning a seige to tear out the roots of the particularly immoral, Vanta plans to shake up Boreas no matter the cost.

Whether your character is a lone wolf with a vendetta against evil or a strategic mind eager to plan the next big siege, there's a place for them here! Vanta, having struggled with disability before, is also very inclusive. She would welcome misfits, and would happily challenge for the freedoms of a slave in order to offer them a safe home.

I would, ideally, like to have her challenge for a pack in the future as well, but I won't do that (and potentially remove another well-loved pack from the site) without a good member count. So please let me know if there's interest for this!

Selling points:

  • New niche, yay! We have good guys, but do we have any good guys who are interested in actively seeking out and fucking up the bad guys? I don't think so.

  • Ranks (in future pack, since bands can't have ranks) are carefully structured to reward both IC actions and OOC skill grinding. I want to reward both styles of play, whether you prefer sparing, meaningful IC interactions or hardcore grinding.

    [A master fighter who doesn't do shit but hang around will end up ranked in the same tier with the same IC power/responsibility as an intermediate warrior who has impressed Vanta and conquered evil in some cool way.]

  • Activity checks will pop up only when necessary. If the group has room for more members, I'm not going to seek to kick anyone out, regardless of how little they may post. If we need space desperately, members will have input on what sort of activity check sounds fair and manageable.

  • There will be a place for evil characters (including a T2 rank) so long as they are what Vanta would deem "controllable". The ends justify the means, and if that means she needs to keep around some wolves that are totally cool with breaking kneecaps, she's going to keep those wolves around. (so long as the kneecaps deserve it, and they don't go around breaking them at random)

  • I very much enjoy giving things away when possible for me financially, so expect many incentives for IC things, including art/site donations/etc for high performers.

Please reply here, or even DM me if you're interested! I also have a full ass google docs of potential pack information for later, if anyone is curious >>;