
shaking off the rust

open spar



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
12-26-2023, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2023, 09:37 PM by Flurry. Edited 1 time in total.)

Flurry nodded slowly as Vanta spoke of them; her, her family and pack mates, were supposed to be attack on sight. This wasn't surprising to her at all, and she basically didn't even try to hide the regret that she felt. "I'm not surprised but for what it's worth, my worst nightmares are haunted by one of you. Just the one, but hey when you watch someone kick your sister when you're that young, I'd hazard a guess that tends to stick with you." Flurry tried to keep her tone light, she wasn't totally lying. In her worst nightmares, in the moments where she worried about her family the face of their destruction was very familiar, a face she had a name for finally. "In all honesty that's part of why I'm out here. I wanted to ask about the other side of the story. Talked to the Warlord, and far as I can tell we're both in agreement we'd rather this end before things go too far, unfortunately I lack the pull he seems to have." Who knew what power she might have at all once she spoke with her father. Maybe she'd be back out here tomorrow, looking for a place to go. Flurry hoped not, she was doing all this to just try and protect her family, her younger siblings. But she also wasn't fooling herself into thinking her dad would be happy. Still she wasn't about to get into that, right here and now, so instead she shrugged and brushed it off with a slightly self-deprecating comment.

Flurry couldn't help herself, she found her gaze wandering over the other young woman as she stretched. Though her own body was slowly starting to tell her where she would be sore in only a few hours she was much more interested in the shapes of the other woman's form. It was almost like she was being taunted. Realizing she was staring Flurry's eyes flew away off into the sky and she felt heat flooding her own face. Though she didn't quite know it yet, the real problem was that she was so much like her father, she came by her tastes honestly. She just lacked the experience he had. As Vanta's voice reached her again Flurry slowly let her gaze slide back towards the other woman, a lopsided grin pulling at her lips. The bigger woman had laid herself out and Flurry found herself lowering onto her own stomach. "Oh no doubt, but there are... Ways of going about it, y'know?" The bitching of her sister constantly bringing up getting stabbed came to mind and made a soft chuckle bubble forth. "For instance agreeing to 'kidnap' a young man even at his own request seems ill-conceived. Liable to get you stabbed in the leg." Flurry gave a wink, unsure if Vanta had heard about that little misstep. She still did not know how she was related to the young "victim" Dread had tried to make of himself. "My style is a lot more subtle, what fun is there in immediately moving in together? Where's all the 'will they/won't they'? Where is all the tension, the running into each other at perfect and also inopportune times? The lingering gazes and not wanting to let go?" Flurry decided to let herself look at Vanta openly this time, running her gaze over the tan and turquoise woman. She let herself linger on the toned shapes of her limbs and then the oddly textured bright parts of Vanta's coat. Tilting her head to the side she scooted towards Vanta slightly.

"Got a siblings with whole crystal spurs growing out of his back like spikes but I've never seen anything quite like you." Okay so technically Rexx had gotten them from their father but she didn't want to talk about either of them much, but Rexx seemed a safer alternative right now. Flurry tried to figure out exactly what she was looking at, as much as she wanted to reach out and touch what appeared to be a hardened part of the other woman's fur she wouldn't do so, not without being told she could. Flirting didn't give her permission to touch someone who was virtually a stranger. "Never seen anyone quite as stunning."


Art by Perencreste
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.

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