
Green grass and high tides

Magpie, Cricket


12-27-2023, 02:02 PM

Leaf had been caught up in her musings, a pleasant smile on her lips as her tail flicked back and forth in thought. Maggie should be along soon, and she was trying to think of the best way to go about telling her tale about the creature she encountered. Instead, the sudden sound of noise and a body crashing into her startled her into becoming more aware of the world around her. Leaf’s head snapped up, gaze falling on the green girl that had fallen against her. The other wolf was quickly scrambling to her paws, spinning to face her as she apologized. Leaf gave a wave of her paw, a light hearted laugh escaping her maw. “No harm done! I just wasn’t expecting to meet anyone else.” The other girl wasn’t hostile, and there was no reason to be mean in response. That wasn’t what Avalon was about anyway.

And the other girl was unlike anyone else she had seen in Avalon. Tiny, her green so vivid. She was really pretty, Leaf thought. The color reminded her of the life of the plants she coveted.  “My name is Leaf, by the way. I’m a member of Avalon.” She gestured in the direction of the pack, catching sight of her sister as she did so. Ah perfect, Magpie was here! Her tail wagged back and forth as her sister settled with her things beside her. At her comment, Leaf laughed. “I didn’t know I was! But…” Her gaze flickered to the green girl. “All the same, if you’d like to hang out with us for a bit you are more than welcome to.” She offered.

Her gaze flicked to the items Magpie had gathered. Ah neat! Her sister was making use of the items here. Heck, maybe they’d need to come back here again. It looked as if there were hidden gems all throughout this land. But first, the reason that they had come here! “Well, I was going to have us explore while we shared some fun stories.” She grinned. “Specifically hunting ones! I know of our siblings, we pretty much all expressed hunting as interest.” Her gaze flicked to the green girl. Did she like hunting too?

“...and speaking of, you guys wouldn’t believe the thing I saw in the fields of Avalon. It was really big, about as big as I am, but it was a prey animal I think.” Leaf’s eyes were shining as she recalled the beast. “It was covered in reddish brown fur, with a really wide nose and curled ears with tufts on the ends. It was rooting through the fields, digging up whatever was growing as it grunted.” Leaf wiggled. “But when it saw me coming for it, it squealed super land and began taking off. It was fast! I tried to keep up with it, but it outmaneuvered me easily. Before I knew it, it was chased out of the territory…” Leaf arched a brow.

“Have you guys ever taken on prey that big?”


Word Count: 503 Words (1,658)

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥

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