
don't let your parents turn into pigs



The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
12-29-2023, 04:41 PM

Watching him shake his coat before falling in stride beside her, Clove looked at him for a while before turning back to the path; taking in the scenery while they walked, enjoying the sweet smell of the grapes. There were red, green, and purple grapes. Each vine intertwined with the next, creating beautiful splashes of color across the vines. Part of her wanted to reach out and grab a mouth full… but she refrained for now.

And when she whirled around, perhaps taking the boy by surprise. He stopped suddenly, peering down at her before giving his name. Akito. It had a nice ring to it. At his joke- at least, she thought it was funny- she giggled lightly. “My name is Clove.” Warmth spread to her cheeks, and he looked away from his gaze. Feeling a bit shy, for some reason. “I hope you decide what you want out of life.” Her gaze lifted again, as he moved to step around her. "So you can tell me all about it, when I come to explore your bamboo." And she quickly fell in stride beside him, having to move her shorter legs faster to keep up.

As they traveled deeper into the territory, the grapevines became thicker, having weaved themselves up the trunks of the trees, creating a canopy that shielded much of the sunlight. Those grapes kept calling her name… and finally, she caved. Slowing to a stop, she sniffed at the vines closest to her. “Have you had one of these before?” She asked, wondering if they were tasty or not. And regardless of his answer, she would reach out and grab a mouthful to try.


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1. don't let your parents turn into pigs Grapevine Cathedral 09:48 AM, 11-02-2023 02:05 PM, 02-01-2024