

Clove <3


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
12-29-2023, 04:57 PM

It didn’t take much prompting from her sister to leave the grownups behind and do some exploring. In fact, Clove had been hoping the two of them could get away for a bit- who knows when they would have another opportunity to check this place out? And, being the curious explorer Clove was, she was more than excited to see the mountainside. Before leaving the adults, Clove put her fur coat back on. She wasn’t accustomed to the cold just yet… and honestly, she might never become accustomed to it. The snow was beautiful, but dang, it made your paws wet and chilled you to the bone!

Following Ember through the snow, the duo made their way up one of the mountainside pathways. Where it led, she had no idea- but she was eager to find out. “Its sooooo much snow!” She giggled, looking up at her taller sister. “Hmmmm,” She had to think about Ember’s question. Wondering if it was possible to have this much snow back home. Taking a good look around, noting how the mountain almost looked like a white wasteland - aside from the towering pines, and random boulders spread across the landscape - she decided, it probably not. “Probably not- and, I hope not! I love how warm it is back home.” Reminiscing her midday sun naps, she wished she could feel that warmth right now.

Crunching through the snow, the duo slowly climbed the mountainside. Stopping here and there to peer into the valley below, which made butterflies fill Clove's tummy. They were so high up! Or at least, it felt like it to her. “You think there are caves around here? Oh! Caves filled with ice? Maybe they have cool patterns in them!” A bit naive and filled with child-like wonder, her mind was going all over the place. What treasures was this mountain hiding?  


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1. Mountaineering Fenrir's Maw 01:07 PM, 12-23-2023 09:29 AM, 05-05-2024