
pinky up

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The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

12-29-2023, 08:45 PM
Elysia sat before her uncle as others began to file in one at a time. A woman she’d only briefly seen once at the gathering began speaking to her. Ears twitched slightly as she let her gaze lazily flicker towards her. “Elysia” her tone bored, just as it had been the time she’d first actually met Sephrian. She didn’t care if it irked the woman or not to be dismissed, Ely’s focus reverted back to its original focus; Rhazien.

She made a small gesture towards the next two women she recognized better; Kaino and Absinth. And then Absinth’s voice would cause a genuine smile to form upon her lips. “None quite as lovely as you, Absinth” she cooed to the other monochromatic woman. Her attention was quickly drawn away from her and back to her uncle as he began to talk.

She listened intently as he spoke of supply and demand and how it could be useful when trying to control others. Kaino was the first to speak up, and her contribution was borders. To which Ely nodded in agreement. Something like that was a good power move.

And then the woman Absinth sat beside- Yarrabelle spoke up. Medicine. It was true that it was a clever idea to control. Ely held her tongue on her thoughts for that one though. And finally came up with her own suggestion.

“Children” she spoke gently. It was a unique answer. “A pack is only as strong as their next generation. If they can sustain a lineage to secure their territory it comes off as strong, but if we were to send in spies and slaughter their women, and take their children as bargaining chips we could control their population. Effectively wearing their numbers and making them think twice about retaliation or we’d slaughter the children and the last piece of their lost love” she paused, looking her uncle in  his eyes. “This would allow one to make an already lesser pack less of a problem and send a message” she shrugged a bit.

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1. pinky up The Polar Sound 07:10 PM, 12-12-2023 01:26 PM, 05-12-2024