
The World Will Cry As We Pass By

Ely <3


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (165)

3 Years

12-30-2023, 01:22 AM

A laugh booms from Zeke’s maw at her teasing words and his eyes dance with mirth as he jovially says, “I left my self-flagellation whip back home. But, I did spill some blood because I missed you. Not mine but you know… others.” A wink is given to her before he releases his hold, laying there, belly up with his sister cocooned safely on him. Throaty rumbles of pleasure, a purr if you will, roll past his lips as he traces the curve of her face to pulls her in for a kiss.

Ezekiel has always loved Elysia and, out of all their siblings, she was the only one he would willingly risk injury to save. She is tenacious, strong-willed, and the only one who challenged him one more than one level. Ely is smart, beautiful, and the wolf that Zeke would burn down the world to please. But, even though he is totally devoted to her, he will never, ever, force her to love him back. If she ever blocked his advances outright, he would accept that boundary and not press her for more.

However, the way she kisses him back sparks the hope that she does reciprocate those feelings and he is happy be back in her orbit. The apology he offers is genuine and the regret her feels about not finding her sooner burns him like a hot iron against his skin but her soft shushing pulls a weak smile to his lips. At least, they are together now. Her nuzzle is received with affection and he offers her a soft kiss in return.

She then explains what she has been up to, speaking of someone named Sephiran, a cousin of theirs who is going to build an Empire. A grin splits his maw at the mention Neios and he gently asks, “So… would you like stay and help this Empire grow?” Whatever she wishes, he will make it happen and a relatively safe place to sleep at night doesn’t sound so bad. Features become thoughtful as he says, “You will have to introduce me to the group soon. But for now, tell me what happened to bring you here. From the very beginning.”

While he had heard the story from her friends, Zeke wanted to hear her side of the tale and all the events that transpired to bring this moment about. Lovingly, he watches her, duel-toned eyes soft with affection as she speaks. Gods, how he loves her.

"Ezekiel Saxe"

Ezekiel is considered a mature character. All warnings apply to his threads.