
Ikigai x Deimos

Two pups available!



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-03-2024, 12:17 AM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2024, 08:57 PM by Deimos. Edited 2 times in total.)

Deimos & Ikigai Mendacium Pups!

That's right! Ikigai and Deimos are finally expecting their first litter! This has been a long time coming and this couple has been through a lot together so they are both very excited to finally be parents <3 I am taking a pup from this litter–a girl named Kintsugi. Due to Mendacium genetics, litters in this family are naturally on the smaller side. We're going to be capping this litter at three pups which means we have TWO up for grabs! While Deimos isn't the most strict on Mendaicum laws and culture, the main tenants of it will be taught to the pups very early on so at least take a peek at that information before applying.


Resin and I both have highs and lows when it comes to activity so we'll be pretty realistic here. I'd just like to see at least a few posts a month from them and you must meet any activity checks that might pop up from time to time in Elysium. For anyone that isn't a member of the pack, my activity checks are usually pretty light and typically involve posting in a meeting or completing some sort of easy task once a season. Nothing too intense. If for some reason there is no activity from you for three months without any kind of warning or communication we reserve the right to take back the pup to be readopted. Also, as a bit of a side note, Kintsugi is going to be named Elysium's heir. She will want to place her siblings in high ranking, important roles once she becomes Matriarch, but will only do so if they've put in the work for it! (aka please grind those skills I beg of you.)


Until they are a year old, they must remain within Elysium's lands. After they are two seasons old, they are allowed to leave pack lands if accompanied by a family member. Once they are over a year old they are allowed to go beyond the borders on their own without supervision, though it is preferred they at least take a companion (parent's or otherwise) with them until they are two. We are both very free with plots and "whatever goes" content wise. It's pretty obvious if you've followed any of mine or Resin's threads, but we are never the ones to shy away from adult content. All sorts of things that would be taboo in other families or places are a bit more common place among the Mendaciums. I just prefer they don't get horridly maimed or killed while they are still young xD


We don't have a hard theme for names, but a good place to start is Japanese or Latin inspired names either with a meaning behind them or that are pretty (since Ikigai would be inclined to pick pretty names and Deimos would be more than happy to go with whatever she picked). We are both pretty opinionated when it comes to names so maybe have a couple of options or be prepared to pick a different name if asked! Also feel free to pull from previous generations of family members on either side for middle names if you desire. Kintsugi's middle name, for example, comes from the first known Matriarch of the Mendacium family.


The alignments that are most likely for this bunch are going to be neutral or evil, though unlikely to be chaotic. Now's the perfect chance if you've been wanting to have a character that is a bit more darkly aligned, a bit more accepting of violence, or more prone to hunt for fun than just for necessity. Ikigai is definitely the softer of the two parents so if you would rather they follow more closely to her and take after her more intellectual pursuits that's also totally believable. Family values run very deep for Menadium and Klein wolves so that is going to be a common theme, but how that presents itself to your pup is up to you.


We'll provide some design options made by Resin and (and possibly myself) that you can pick from, but you're also welcome to bring your own design. Designs provided by us will come back to us if they are taken back for readoption, but if you bring your own design that design will go back to you. If you do bring your own, I would prefer the design be believable as a kid of Ikigai and Deimos. Meaning, don't show up with something completely off the wall. Purples, slate, black, and white are the most likely colors and galaxy patterns or graphic/koi-like patterns are the most common patterns to go for. Follow this link to see designs! Build wise, Deimos is 45" and heavy while Ikigai is 34" and light so a whole range of heights and builds are possible. Deimos has horns and bear-like paws while Ikigai has horns, dexterous toes, and long tail. Her serpent eyes are technically from creepy contacts so they're not eligible to be used for an inheritance mutation, but I will be using a minor mutation to get a similar look on Kintsugi.

Thank you for reading! Deadline for applications will be January 30th 23rd! If you have any questions, reach out to me <3

<b>Height and Build:</b>
<b>Plans (if any):</b>

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1. Ikigai x Deimos Adoptions 12:17 AM, 01-03-2024 04:13 AM, 02-07-2024