

Clove <3

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
12-30-2023, 04:30 PM

While Ember wasn't quite the enthusiastic outdoorsy type like Clove was, that didn't deter or stop her from wanting to spend time with her sister and share in the exploration of new places with her. The pair of southern girls, wrapped up in their wool cloaks, meandered their way through the snow-covered mountain paths, Ember pausing whenever Clove wanted to stop and inspect something closer. After a moment of thought, Clove decidedly declared that she wouldn't want this much snow back home, and Ember had to agree with an enthusiastic nod. "Yeah, I kinda love our home too. I dunno if I could do the whole 'living in a cave on a mountain' sort of deal after having Hearthstone." The snow was pretty to look at and all, and she was sure it would be equally pretty back home—just best viewed through a window while she sipped hot cider in front of a fireplace. The snow was much too cold for her liking and it clumped in her fur like nobody's business!

Picking up on her comment, Clove wondered aloud if there were any caves around and if they were filled with ice. Ember's eyes lit up and she shot a daring grin at her littler sister. "Only one way to find out, but I bet there are!" she replied, her long tail giving an energetic wag in the process. "C'mon, let's go find them!" Ember led the charge up the path, pushing through the snow to try and carve a path through the deeper parts of the snow drifts for Clove to more easily follow her. The princess' gaze glanced out over the edge of the path, down the side of the mountain and out at all of Boreas sprawled out around them. Wow, what a view! Was this what being up in the tower in their home was like too?

While the sisters continued to look for the mountain caves Clove wanted to find, Ember glanced over with curiosity at her eager littermate's glee just to explore Heiðinn's mountains. "You really like to explore, don'tcha, Clovie?" asked Ember, cocking her head as she considered her sister's interests with fascination. She liked learning little things about her siblings, about their interests, their likes and dislikes. It made her feel closer to them in turn.


Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

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1. Mountaineering Fenrir's Maw 01:07 PM, 12-23-2023 09:29 AM, 05-05-2024