
The World Will Cry As We Pass By

Ely <3


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

12-30-2023, 05:50 PM
Elysia was in bliss having her brother here. He was the only sibling she was close to. She never had the chance to meet any of her older maternal half siblings, but she knew their names and their father’s name. Her mother never hid any of that information from Ely and her siblings. But in her own litter she felt uniquely isolated, being she didn’t sport nearly as much of the beautiful purple that her dear Ze did. But that didn’t stop her from knowing she was still quite eye-catching in her own way.

”Yes, as Saxe, this is our obligation. We found more of our family. We have to be here. We have to help Seph build his empire “ she beamed at the idea. A home for her and Ezekiel that they helped forage. One that she hoped was everything they could ask for, the way her mom spoke of her own childhood home with her large family. This was their chance at that life. That kind of happiness and glory that befitted their family name.

[b]”Dont you worry you handsome head about what happened to me Ze. It matters little how I got here or why. Just that we are together again and have a chance to make mama proud. As for meeting the others that can be arranged”
she smirked.

Laying her head on his chest she closed her eye and listened to his heart beating rhythmically in his chest. He always brought out the softer side of her. And right now she just wanted to bask in it. To be nowhere but here with him. No tales of their travels. But instead laying in each others arms at peace, what little peace they had.