
Don’t Look at Me That Way

Absinth <3


The Syndicate

Expert Intellectual (140)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
12-31-2023, 05:55 AM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2023, 12:54 PM by Nila. Edited 3 times in total.)
Nila had realized that she’d crept even closer to the flower she was struggling to recall the name of. Her mother had known only some basic uses of herbs. And this specific pest of a plant was one her mine used often after an encounter with the saxe ment back home. So why, for god’s sake, could she not recall its name. She glared at it’s she did her best to remember the day her mom told her about it. And then finally it came to her. Valerian. Valerian Root!” she exclaimed excitedly.

Her victory was short-lived when a woman’s voice called out to her. Immediately her head snapped upward towards the owner of the voice. Eyes of Pink and Gold fell upon beautiful green eyes. Had she been a free woman she could have stared at them All day. But she wasn’t, she was a Sidi. And so she quickly averted her gaze from strangers' faces. Her stomach began to twist in fear and panic. She couldn’t risk offending this woman, she was clearly with the saxe’s. And Nila didn’t know how far away kaino was, or if she’d hear her call for help if this went wrong.

She stared at the ground just before the woman coated in snow and soot as she trembled softly. Slowly she stood up, the plant she’d been studying now long forgotten. Her tail tucked slightly between her legs and she kept her head low, bowing almost. ” didn’t mean to get in anyones way…” Her voice was soft, almost a whimper as each word trembled and shook with her fear.
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1. Don’t Look at Me That Way The Polar Sound 07:04 PM, 12-14-2023 01:36 PM, 05-15-2024