
A Gentleman's Duel



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year
Dire wolf
12-31-2023, 09:52 AM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2023, 10:05 AM by Cadaver. Edited 1 time in total.)
The late spring sun cast a warm glow over the wide, flat plain, its golden rays painting the lush grasses in hues of green. Cadaver, his youthful curiosity aflame, explored the vast expanse with boundless energy. With a narrowed gaze he scanned the horizon while trailing his way through the swaying grass- nose twitching to catch the scents carried by the gentle breeze. As he journeyed further into the expansive flatland, he felt a pull from its openness. With each step, the grass swished and rustled in a peaceful ambience that reflected the essence of the land.

The distant murmur of the river caught his attention, and he followed the sound. The water, clear and inviting, flowed gently through the plain. The soft, silty sand at the river's edge cradled the crystal-clear liquid. A glint of excitement sparked in Cadaver's eyes as he stumbled upon a perfect spot—a wide clearing amidst the prairie. The ground felt firm beneath his paws, and the absence of obstacles promised a perfect arena for a spirited showdown of sorts. His playful demeanor shifted, and a determined gleam replaced the mischief in his gaze.

Cadaver felt a surge of anticipation—this place held the promise of challenge and excitement. With a playful bark that echoed through the stillness of the midday air, Cadaver announced his discovery to the world. He couldn't resist the allure of this arena, a stage set by nature itself. The grasses whispered their approval as he prepared himself, muscles tense with anticipation, hopeful that someone was nearby and willing to answer his invitation.

"Cadaver Nightwing"

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1. A Gentleman's Duel Dancefloor of the Gods 09:52 AM, 12-31-2023 11:09 AM, 01-11-2024