
Black and Gold


09-19-2013, 04:20 PM
White lined ears received the call. Perking up as the sound reached them did it register for Thane to follow. Lifting himself off of his legs that folded before into a sitting position he was up. Aqua blue eyes blank, no emotion shown through except what showed inside. He did not know what to do now, she was back but had forgotten. How would he ever explain to them? How could he even make himself believe it? So many questions buzzed through his mind. The brute wanted to break down for once, he wanted to curl up into a ball and wake up finding everything better. Of course everything didn't work that way.He had to pick himself up...there was no one here to do it for him anymore. He couldn't even falter for a moment for the sake of Ryker and Resnera. He still had yet to find his son Ravine as well. But they were slowly coming back...slowly.

With a sigh his dark gray limbs brought is paws one in front of the other. Scenting his pack-mates close by he decided to let his thoughts subside until they came back once he settled. Walking into the area he spotted one of his sons. Of course Ryker would show, he hoped the same for Resnera. Maybe even Ookami? He didn't even know, she might not remember this either. Flashing a friendly smile and nod towards Ashtoreth as he passed the male made his way towards his son. Giving the same respectful nod not noting her wounds he sat down beside the boy. Leaning over to touch his nose atop his son's head Thane knew he couldn't hide it any longer, she was back. Her scent wafted off of him but not too strong. Watching others arrive Thane silently waited for Chrysanthe to speak. Looking next to her expecting to see Gideon this made Thane think. Why would he not be here? He did not let himself think anything but all he felt was that something back had happened at the fight. Keeping his aqua blue gaze back onto his son he wondered when he should properly start training him.