
Oh Foolish, Foolish was I


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

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An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

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Samhain 2022
12-31-2023, 12:08 PM
As Sephiran spat his venom into Aresenn's face, he was overtaken by annoyed confusion. The brute was angry because he had allowed Absinth to manipulate Aurelia into Aurelia trying to take her own life? How did that have anything to do with him!? "I have no idea what you're on about with Absinth and Aurelia," Aresenn retorted, his voice dripping with disdain. "Contrary to what apparently is popular belief, her tongue is not attached to my brain." He struggled against Sephiran's counter resistance, trying to maintain his balance as the brute pushed against him with considerable force. The air crackled with tension, their gazes locked in a battle of wills. As for the Armada comment. Perhaps that did owe an explanation. "And If by conspiring with an enemy, you mean fucking the warlord's daughter. Yes. That’s exactly what I've been doing in the Armada." Aresenn answered shortly. He wouldn't have answered it that way had Andromeda been standing in front of him herself. It wasn't meant as a sign of disrespect, and it also wasn’t even all that true. But as tempers raged, and thoughts raced, he answered in a way he thought Sephiran would understand. If he wanted to hear it at all.

As it turned out, it seemed that he didn't. The flash of movement in his peripherals was the only warning of the impending attack. With the sensation of bone raking against bone, Aresenn snarled in rage. As Sephiran's body weight collided with his, Aresenn lost his balance and stumbled. In a desperate attempt to regain stability, he swung out, targeting the joint of one of Seph's arms with open jaws. But in the process, Sephiran's canines punctured Aresenn's jowls and tore through the skin across the bridge of his nose, leaving behind a searing pain that radiated across his face. Blood began to run from the puncture wounds and trickle toward the ground.

Aresenn gritted his teeth as he desperately tried to regain his footing, his muscles straining as he fought against the onslaught of his opponent. With a burst of energy, he pushed back against the force bearing against him as he anchored his weight in his own hold. As quickly as he could retaliate, he made the effort to try and lift up on his opponent's foreleg while shoving with his own body to try and throw Seph off balance. The smell of blood beginning to fill the air as they continued their intense struggle.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. Oh Foolish, Foolish was I The Polar Sound 05:41 PM, 12-17-2023 11:48 PM, 01-01-2024