
i'm in trouble now



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

1 Year
12-31-2023, 03:44 PM
Mila continued her cautious trek through the unfamiliar surroundings, her senses picking up on subtle scents that hinted at the presence of others. The vastness of the unknown terrain both fascinated and unsettled her. As she moved, a figure came into view in the distance. She wasn’t sure if her mind was playing tricks on her, seeing how desperately tired she felt. Despite this, she would perk up and her tiredness seemingly disappearing for now as she realised this figure was now moving towards her. Soon enough, her eyes fell upon the other being as they were now completely in her view. Her nose twitched as she would pick up the new scent of the stranger, another female. Mila would then notice the oddity of her appearance, different from the wolves that she knew and had seen before.

The unknown female seemed hesitant, Mila noticed the mix of concern and anxiety within her teal eyes. “H-Hello,” her voice was barely audible. Her own ears shifted forward on top of her head as the words reached her, she would turn to face her. Her own manner remained composed but reserved. She glances over the other’s body, Mila would pick up on the submissive posture and the nervousness displayed. It was almost similar to how she could be at times. But surprisingly, it was not one of those times for her. This other canine was deemed as no threat to Mila, or someone she should be cowering in front of at the very least. She could sympathise for the strange before her.

“I-I’m sorry—to bother you, that is. I shouldn’t have… b-but do you know anyone by the name Saxe?” As words stumbled out, it revealed a vulnerability that Mila could empathise with. Her eyes would soften slightly as she processed the inquiry. The name Saxe didn't immediately ring a bell, but Mila's attention to detail kicked in, and she pondered the possibilities. “No, I-I don’t know anyone by that name. I’m sorry,” Mila responded calmly, her voice steady as she hoped this would reassure her new company. “I’m… somewhat lost myself.” She hesitated for a moment, her instincts nudging her to remain guarded. "But perhaps we can help each other figure things out. Who is this Saxe? Are they the reason you are here?"

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1. i'm in trouble now Sparse Pines 06:05 PM, 12-28-2023 09:35 AM, 02-29-2024