
Oh Foolish, Foolish was I


The Syndicate

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An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

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Samhain 2022
12-31-2023, 04:08 PM
Aresenn's world narrowed down to the pulsating pain in his face, the metallic taste of blood in his mouth, and the sheer determination to resist Sephiran's overpowering assault. As he felt the ground give way beneath him, sending him tumbling backward, he fought to maintain his grip on Seph's shoulder. The chunk of flesh ripped away, leaving a gaping wound on his opponent, and a mouthful of fur and blood for Aresenn. Crashing to the ground, Aresenn snarled in defiance, refusing to let the pain or the loss of a piece of his adversary deter him. Sephiran descended upon him, attempting to pin him down, a glint of a blade catching Aresenn's eye. The looming threat of the hidden weapon was clear, and Aresenn prepared for the inevitable strike.

As Sephiran raised the blade, ready to plunge it into Aresenn's flesh, the sudden scream of Absinth pierced the air. He was vaguely aware of Sephiran's voice- the nature of his taunt. His eyes, still clouded with the red haze of battle, widened with a mix of recognition, hate, and fear for the girl who he had come to care about. In a sudden surge of strength, he forced himself to his paws with the intention of pushing Seph in the event that he didn't move out of his space. He held a cold stare, a wordless message passing between them. This isn't over.

Aresenn didn't waste any further time, turning his back on his friend in silence. With a surge of adrenaline, he sprinted off in the direction he had heard Absinth's cry. There would be no mercy if he caught whoever it was that made her scream like that.

- End Thread-
"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. Oh Foolish, Foolish was I The Polar Sound 05:41 PM, 12-17-2023 11:48 PM, 01-01-2024