
i'm in trouble now



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

1 Year
12-31-2023, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2023, 06:33 PM by Mila. Edited 1 time in total.)
Mila absorbed the other's words, recognizing the familiar vulnerability in her gaze that echoed her own sense of displacement. The tentative yet hopeful tone in her voice struck a chord within Mila, fostering a sense of kinship amidst the uncertainty that enveloped them. The suggestion of mutual aid resonated with Mila, her considerate temperament prompting her to nod in agreement. "I think... that might be a good idea," she echoed, her voice calm and measured, a subtle reflection of her reserved nature. "If we both search, maybe we'll find clues." Mila's agreement came with a quiet determination, an unspoken commitment to assist despite the uncertainties that lingered.

The unknown canine's willingness to connect further tugged at Mila's empathetic side. The nervous grin and offer of a nickname, "Laney," revealed a hint of her genuine warmth. "It's nice to meet you, Laney," Mila responded softly, a faint but genuine smile gracing her features. "And thank you for being willing to help... Maybe we try and help you remember things about where you came from?" Delaeni's hopeful suggestion was met with a considerate nod from Mila. "I would appreciate that," Mila acknowledged, her expression reflecting gratitude for the offered support. "Though I fear my memory is not great currently." She chuckled lightly, the sound faint yet genuine. Mila's introspective nature had made her ponder the mystery of how she had been able to stray so far from her home, and she found solace in the prospect of someone else aiding her in finding her way back, though little to Delaeni's knowledge, Mila wasn't going to push this idea or give reminders. She had doubts about anything good happening if she went back and she didn't know what would be waiting for her. So instead, she would focus on assisting her new companion to find her friends.

Then Mila considered the practicality of meeting Azoula, Delaeni's friend, before they embark on their joint quest. She would approach the idea with a measured curiosity. "Laney..." Mila began, her tone considerate and reflective, "do you think it might be helpful if we meet with Azoula first? Perhaps she could share more insights or provide any clues about the Saxes' whereabouts. It could also be a chance for me to be introduced, and we might gather more information together where further investigation is needed." Mila's suggestion carried a hint of practicality, a calculated approach rooted in her careful consideration of the situation. She awaited Delaeni's response, her gaze steady and thoughtful.

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1. i'm in trouble now Sparse Pines 06:05 PM, 12-28-2023 09:35 AM, 02-29-2024